Saturday 24 March 2012

Upside Down

What is going on in this world where we have people working, hard graft and getting a pittance then we have all these useless jobs, people talking a good job but not actually doing anything...they get paid fortunes! This banking lark for a start they get paid big bonuses??? I thought a bonus was for a job well done, not your company is still in debt you have rinsed the tax payer, not got the company out of debt yet still getting mega money!!
We live in a time where wisdom is nothing, people will worship and follow a fool as long as its a rich is king...we have become a mercenary, disposable globe. We follow fools, we allow ourselves to be conned and ripped off in everything if something is going to make lots of money its going to cost us lots of money...the bus services, train, heating, water, you name it they privatize telling us things will be better ha ha ha ha ha ha. No things just become more expensive we are slaves, they give us TV silly distractions to keep us from looking at the real problems. There's enough money for decent healthcare good schools etc...but its middlemen who do nothing to deserve big pay packets that keep robbing us....its time we woke up and stopped bickering amongst ourselves over the crumbs they have thrown us its time us serfs stood up! I have had enough of corruption, lying officials, fatcats who never have a recession. I am just a little nut in this big machine but we are all walking round in the Emperors clothes and I've got to say it we are naked....

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